Saturday, November 24, 2012

Starting to see the light.....

It's been awhile since I've updated. Mainly because I was in a place that I couldn't seem to pull out of, hopelessness, uncertainty, depression, desperation. I just didn't want to do much of anything!

After speaking with my Doctor, we decided that a PICC line placement was best (basically an IV in the upper arm that feeds through into the superior vena cava). This is because the orals were wreaking havoc on my GI tract, we didn't want any recurring ulcers, my veins were giving out - almost impossible to draw blood. Also my nerve pain was really bad and my nasal staph did not seem to be improving.

I was scared to have a picc line, but one of my greatest friends was with me through it and she has been such a huge help. I've had it for 2 weeks and all is going great!

I'm on a very strong broad spectrum antibiotic, Teflaro (some argue that it is stronger than vancomycin -so my Doctor was not surprised by the scary reaction I had with my first dose). Now I take medication before the infusions to counteract any reactions. 4 days left of Teflaro, and I am feeling pretty remarkable!

Very few symptoms left. I was able to cook Thanksgiving dinner, then shop for 12 hours straight on Black Friday, with no problems! Yay!!

My protocol will be finishing up hydrogen peroxide IV's, then starting the PK protocol (lipid replacement),  IVIG to boost my immune system (it's like blood plasma infusions). And a few months of antibiotics while I'm symptom free and then (hopefully)  - what I have been waiting and praying for - remission!

It's been a long, very tough road, several hospital stays, very scary and painful symptoms, at some points I wondered if I could survive.

I still have symptoms, but they are very few. Of course this isn't over, my body took a beating and there are plenty of "slow fixes" to deal with. But I know I'm beating this. My faith in God was and is my biggest strength, along with my husband, my Mother, my very best friends, and my amazing doctors, one in particular who refused to let me lose my focus. These people will always be a huge part of my life.

I'm not ready to run alongside my husband in the athletic Savage Race running/obstacle courses, but I'm determined that I will in 2013! I am also 12 months away from my degree in Natural Healing/Nutrition & Personal Fitness!

Again, this isn't over. But I'm looking toward to the future and I like what I see! This journey has been life changing, and still is. I'm excited to start adding more to this blog as far as recipes, diet, nutrition, forms of treatment, and any way I can think of to help others through their journey.

I have been fearful of writing such a positive entry, but not so much now. Always the chance of a relapse :( but I feel pretty confident, and come what may! Most of my fears are gone.

I love you all for reading this and being so caring and supportive! I pray this is real, that the light I see only gets brighter!


  1. I was wondering how you've been doing since finishing the Teflaro. My boyfriend did great the first month, now we are running into an issue with the insruance company paying for additional treatment. I hope you're doing well!

  2. Hi! I am doing quite well, thank you! I did tolerate the Teflaro very well, but I stopped after 2 months (which was enough for me). I also had problems with insurance, after 28 days of treatment. It has to be written as a dx other than Lyme. Maybe that will work for your boyfriend? I've been off abx for 4 months, now treating with herbs (samento, Banderol, teasel root) along with a great diet, exercise and supplements, I'm feeling pretty good, but not 100%- yet! Good luck to your boyfriend! :)
