Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Things that are crucial to healing.....

I believe, that with any chronic illness, there are things that we need to do that are absolutely imperative to healing. Many times when we get a diagnosis such as Lyme disease, we take our medication and supplements as per our doctor's orders and hope for the best. After all that is what we pay our doctors for, right? To treat us and guide us so that we may heal and get on with our lives, enjoying the things we once loved doing.

If we do only that, we are selling ourselves short and may be prolonging our illness, and compromising our quality of life. I believe that at least 50 percent of our healing begins at home with our lifestyle. My belief in this is so strong that I will dare to say that this is more of a fact and not an opinion. Three things that are extremely important are diet, exercise and overall frame of mind.

 Think of it this way: people that do not have illnesses function better entirely when they eat healthy, exercise and have a positive attitude. Add a chronic illness to your life and these things do not become a choice but actually a necessity. With Lyme disease your immune system is not only trying hard to fight the illness, but is also compromised and suppressed because of the often intensive and long term treatment. We need to help our body recover and fight the illness. If we choose not to eat a Lyme friendly, healthy diet, exercise or have an unhealthy attitude, we are doing our bodies an injustice.

These three things take a lot of willpower! I consider myself proof that it can be done. Keep in mind that I am not at the point of remission yet; however I believe that because of the things I do at home my fight is much easier than it could be. There are some people who cannot stick to the diet or feel that since they are sick they should be able to enjoy the food that they love. I do not pass judgement on anyone with this illness as I understand everybody has their own way of dealing with things. This is just the path that has helped me....

 I will write more in depth about the "Lyme diet" in days to come, for now I feel the desire to point out the basics, and give those of you who read this something to think about.

 As far as exercise goes, many people with Lyme disease cannot get out of the house much less get out of bed , but there are different ways and different levels of exercise. For instance, if you cannot get out of bed maybe you can find a program or routine that works for you, such as simple arm and leg movements and light stretching. If you cannot use weights then stretching and/or yoga works great and is very beneficial to the body. If you are able to get to the gym or do light weights at home, by all means do so. This is what I do and in the beginning it was very hard, I did not think I could do it. However, I soon realized not only that I could do it but it helps with my pain, my energy level and my state of mind.

Cardio exercise, according to my LLMD,  should be nothing more than a walk on the treadmill or a walk outdoors until you get the green light to up the intensity. Of course I am not a doctor and I do not (yet) specialize in personal fitness, so please remember with any form of exercise consult with your doctor first!

 I believe that frame of mind is SO very crucial.We just don't feel well when we are not having positive thoughts. When we try our best to have a positive attitude and a good outlook our brain responds by sending chemicals that make our bodies respond in a positive way. And let's face it - nothing good comes from worrying, nothing good comes from being scared or thinking in a negative way, right? As the saying goes, "whether you think you can or whether you think you can't you are correct."

I understand that we are all human and we are not always going to have positive thoughts and days, but if we can trust in ourselves to at least try, our journey through illness and life in general will be much easier for us. Also, on those days where you cannot find the hope or the positive thoughts, lean on those who love you that keep the hope strong for you! I really feel that everybody has the power inside of them to be the best that they can be if they just look within themselves and find their inner strength.

 The choice is up to you - only you can decide what your life, and your healing, is worth to you. If you are reading this now understand that I believe  you are definitely worth being the best that you can possibly be, and you have the power to make your own journey more tolerable. Think about it!

As always, feel free to leave comments, subscribe to my posts and contact me anytime.

God Bless, and keep swimming!!


  1. Janet, another awesome blog!!! I love it. The exercise-yep! I do chair yoga-U-tube has it, and it really helps me stayed centered! The diet, without it we pay dearly. Staying positive-Well I never got anywhere thinking I couldn't, and living a happier life has led me to a better place all around!

    Awesome job!
    Kath <3

  2. Thank you Kath! You have been such a great friend and inspiration to me. I am so blessed to have you in my life! <3 I will have to search YouTube and add the Chair Yoga to my diet/exercise page!! XO
